Friday, August 10, 2012

Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers

Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers
Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers
Photograph Copyright 2012 by Kelsey Wyatt
Dessert wafers are meant to be a lightweight and delicate sort of treat when they're eaten and while companies used to sell these wafer treats primarily in flavors of vanilla, vanilla or vanilla, there have certainly been some expansions on the classic treat with just about every sort of flavor put into the wafers themselves or into the powdery, sugared filling in the center.

Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers are a nice step in a creative direction by the company as they not only offer a light style of dessert to people who require gluten-free food, but they also do it in such a way that it's a bit different from the standard vanilla wafer setup. Hazelnut is an intriguing choice for a wafer candy since it's pretty subtle and is a great compliment to the overall weight of the treat itself.

The best way to describe these little treats is that they taste like a less substantial version of a Ferrero Rocher chocolate ball. They are a great flavor to put in a wafer and like vanilla, hazelnut is a particular type of flavor that doesn't require any accompaniment and stands just fine on its own.

Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers
The texture of the wafers is appropriate although like most wafer treats, they do seem to be rather prone to leaving crumbs absolutely everywhere. 

It's likely that the best time to eat these isn't going to be while sitting on the couch wearing black pants because everything just gets covered with wafer dust and crumbs whenever someone takes a bite.

As long as someone isn't worried about the crumbs in these things or has a suitable place to eat the wafers (outside is a good place. you'll really, truly never get all those crumbs out of the couch cushions!), the only things to be concerned about with this treat are the calories and fat in them. For such a feathery and dainty type of treat, they sure do pack a punch when it comes to the nutritional content

Just a single, small package weighs in at 260 calories and a rather hefty 13g of fat (the picture at the top of this blog post is a small, snack-size pack and should probably be as much as anyone should eat in a single sitting). For as light as the wafers are, it's amazing that much fat is in there somewhere.

Overall, these wafers are exactly what you might expect from any sort of wafer treat and the fact that they're gluten-free seems to be a bonus as they wouldn't look out of place amongst the rest of the bagged cookies and dessert offerings on the shelf at the grocery store.

Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers
Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers
Photograph Copyright 2012 by Kelsey Wyatt
Schär Gluten Free Hazelnut Wafers Report Card

The Good Things:

If you like hazelnut and would enjoy an airy sort of treat, these little wafers will fit the bill. The flavor of hazelnut is a terrific choice for this type of dessert and Schär has done exceedingly well with their recipe. 

Another tasty element of these little wafers is that they don't taste like they're gluten-free and this means that someone could probably put these little wafers out at a party or share them with a friend without having to preface the offering with "well, they're gluten-free, but they're still good."

What Could Change:

As noted above, these little things might be delicate as far as weight and taste are concerned, but they're certainly not fragile when it comes to their calorie and fat content. It's best not to eat too many of these little treats in one sitting.

In addition, they are ferociously messy and even though Schär has conveniently offered them in a small, snack-size bag, they probably should still have a plate under them unless they're going to be snacked upon while walking around outside where the crumbs won't matter.

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