Friday, November 30, 2012

Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix

Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix
Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix
Photograph Copyright 2012 by Kelsey Wyatt
One of the primary ingredients in bars that are labeled as an energy bar or a snack bar is oats and a lot of people who are sensitive or allergic to gluten will also have problems with oats as well. And most of those bars also have a high chance to possess gluten or some sort of wheat-related ingredients anyway, so finding a simple snack bar that doesn't have such components can be a challenge.

But the snack food industry and companies that have long been making snack bars have definitely realized that there is a huge market for gluten-free bars and there are many companies that have not only started to provide such bars with zero gluten included, but which have also created several different gluten-free options instead of just a single token gluten-free bar.

Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix
Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix
Photograph Copyright 2012 by Kelsey Wyatt
Generally, snack bars and protein bars are going to come in one of two different kinds. They'll either be a solid sort of bar, kind of like the "Think Thin" bars (of which the white chocolate covered kind is delicious), or they'll be breakable and nutty, sort of like the KIND Protein Bars that have recently started to become so popular that major cafes and restaurants have started including them as an option.

The Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix is definitely one that mimics the KIND style of bars where it's a bunch of nuts that's held together by some sort of adhesive (made of honey in this case, although some competing bars use a sugar glaze). And the combination is one that seems easy to duplicate as many companies have started to make nutty bars that offer a good boost of protein. And while such bars will usually be a little high with their fat content, nutritionists would likely be quick to point out that it's "good" fat and not the bad trans-fat kind that might be in a bag of potato chips.

For anyone who is particularly interested in eating natural ingredients that might also be vegetarian or free of preservatives, this particular bar seems to fit the bill there as the manufacturer has printed a whole host of labels on the bar's wrapper that declare things like "gluten free" and vegetarian. It's fairly interesting, but many gluten-free food makers these day seem to believe that anyone who might want (or need) to eat a gluten-free lifestyle would also be on the lookout for natural foods.

Overall, this bar tastes fine and is exactly what one would expect from a nut-style protein or energy bar, but there's no wow-factor as far as the general recipe is concerned. It's just a very basic bar that will probably give someone an afternoon boost when they're fading in the late afternoon and need some protein.

Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix
Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix
Photograph Copyright 2012 by Kelsey Wyatt
Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix Report Card

The Good Stuff:

This bar does what it needs to do. It's natural, nutty and gluten-free. But it's probably not something that you'll search for should the grocery store fail to stock them one week. It's a trail mix bar that won't stand out from the competition, but since it's gluten-free, it does have a purpose.

What Could Improve:

The bar seems to have an overwhelming amount of peanuts and the manufacturer might benefit from the inclusion of a few different types of nuts in their recipe. It's just a very basic bar that might be forgotten if it wasn't otherwise a handy option for people who need a shot of protein and who also need to eat a gluten-free li

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